About Us

This Web App is based on a book, written by Benham Saleem Hababa, called Christians Families of Mosul. The website was created with the request from his daughter, Sereen Hababa, and with the writer approval to allow the additions of new families and share historical information.

From the author: This book contains the names of about 600 Christians families of mosul. It also has description of each family, their occupation, relatives and where they lived in mosul. Mr. Hababa wrote this book due to his dedication to his beloved city, Mosul, and to keep the history a life for generations to come.

"I also would like to acknowledge that my friend and neighbor, Dr. Jazeel Abd Al Jabar Al Joumard from the University of Mosul, was one of the people who helped bringing up the idea of creating this book. In loving memory of my wife, Mary Wade'e Jijji, who helped me remembering the names and information of the families since I started working on the idea in 2008." said Mr. Hababa

Book: Christians Families of Mosul

Author: Behnam Saleem Hababa

First Printed: 2012

For more information, please contact us at christianfamiliesmosul@gmail.com.

Contact Name: Sereen Benham Saleem Hababa (Sereen Kishmish)